Restrictions and Filters

The Restrictions and Filters tab sets the restrictions on activities and fields visible to the users of the current type.

The Restrictions and Filters tab has two sections:

  • Field restrictions

  • Filters restricting visible activities

The Restrictions and Filters tab is shown in this screenshot:

This screenshot shows the Restrictions and Filters tab.

In the Field restrictions section, you define whether all activities and/or certain activity fields are to be hidden from the users of the current user type. There are two options in this section:

  • Hide all activities: Determines whether the users can access any activities in the application after a certain time. When you select the Hide all activities option, you must set the time after which the activities are to be hidden. Two options are available:

    • starting tomorrow: If you select this option, all users of the current type can only access today's activities.

    • starting day after tomorrow: If you select this option, all users of the current type can access today's and tomorrow's activities. The users cannot see any activities beyond the selected time.

  • Hide activity fields: Determines whether the users can access certain activity fields after a certain time. The fields to be hidden are defined in the Field restrictions context layout structure. You can click the activity fields link to access it. When you select the Hide activity fields option, you must set the time after which the activity fields are to be hidden. Two Hide all activity fields menu options are available:

    • starting tomorrow: If you select this option, all users of the current type can only access the selected fields of today's activities.

    • starting day after tomorrow: If you select this option, all users of the current type can only access the selected fields of today's and tomorrow's activities. The users cannot see the restricted activity fields beyond the selected time.

Options in the Filters restricting visible activities section define whether the users of the current type can view the entire routes, or only some activities. Before you set the visibility restrictions, ensure that you have configured the applicable filters correctly.

You must define a filter as applicable for the activity in the Add Filter window, to use it as a restriction on the visible activities. In addition, you must select the Restriction on visible activities option. Clicking Add displays the User Types page, where you can apply the current filter as a visibility restriction filter for the user type. This screenshot shows the Add filter dialog box with the Applicable for, Restriction on visible activities and the Go to User Types screen to apply the current filter as visibility restriction filter for user type fields highlighted:
This screenshot shows the Add filter dialog box, where you can add a new filter.

The filters you add then display in the list of available filters in the Restrictions and Filters tab of the user type configuration.

When you set a filter for a user type, all users of such type see only the activities defined in the filter settings, according to the conditions set in the filter configuration.

The User Types section of the filter does not apply when setting restrictions on the visible activities. The User Types section is inactive only when you select the Restriction on visible activities option. However, it is used in configuring the filter to be used on List/Time/Map/Daily pages. This screenshot shows the Filters menu:
This screenshot shows the Filters drop-down list in the Dispatch Console.

When you select the List/Time/Map/Daily option, the User Types section becomes active. The note in the User Types section suggests that the List/Time/Map/Daily filter is applied for the selected user types.

When you define a filter as a filter for List/Time/Map/Daily for a user type, it appears in the View menu on the Activities and Daily pages for the users of such type. The list includes only the filters configured as described earlier.

Note: If you define a filter as applicable for both List/Time/Map/Daily and as a Restriction on visible activities, it works for two different groups of user types. The List/Time/Map/Daily filtering is available for the user types selected in the same filter configuration dialog box. However, the Restriction on visible activities is set for the user types for which this filter is selected in the Restrictions and Filters settings.