Configure a Context Layout Structure

You can configure the Context layout structure for a page, when you want to change the visibility of fields, add conditions for visibility, or add more fields and buttons.

Let’s say you want to create an Edit/View Activity form for the Edit/View Activity context, that belongs to the Administrator user type, with these objects:
  • Start action.

  • Special element, Section

  • Name field.

This example explains how to configure the entities, namely, fields, actions, and special elements for the form.
Note: Properties configured on the Edit/View Activity context (also known as Activity Details page) are ReadOnly, even if the property visibility is set to ReadWrite. To set the property visibility to ReadWrite, you must add the properties to a tab.
  1. Click Configuration, User Types in the Users and Security section.
    The existing users display in the left pane.
  2. Select Administrator from the left pane.
  3. Select the Screen Configuration tab.
  4. Expand Application screens and select Edit/View Activity.
    The Visual Form Editor displays.
  5. To add the special element Section to the grid:
    1. Expand New element.
    2. Drag and drop Section to the grid to add a section to the form.
  6. To add the Name field to the section:
    1. Expand New element.
    2. Drag and drop the Input element to the required position on the form.
    3. Click the element and in the Activity field drop-down list, select Address.
  7. To add the Start action:
    1. Expand New element.
    2. Drag and drop Button to the required position on the form.
    3. Click the button and in the Standard screen action drop-down list, select start_activity.
  8. In the Name Translations field, add a name for the new element in all the required languages.
    This name is displayed for the element on the form. If a user has selected a different display language, the name in the corresponding language is displayed for the user.
  9. Click Save at the top of the form editor.


After you configure the entities for a form, log in to the application and view the configured form. If you add multiple Barcode/QR code scanner check boxes on a form or page, ensure that the section contains only the Barcode/QR code scanner check boxes and Text elements. If the section contains any other type of element, the barcode scanner is not triggered.
Note: Visibility of tabs is the aggregated result of the configured visibility conditions for the child elements (for example, property, text). these rules apply:
  • The tab is visible and accessible, if at least one element is configured to be visible (for example, Read-write or Mandatory) or a Read-only element contains data.

  • The tab is not visible or accessible, if none of the configured elements is visible (for example, no Read-write or Mandatory property or Read-only element without data).

  • If a tab has all Read-Only elements, then the buttons are shown. If at least one element in the tab is Read-Write or Mandatory, then the buttons are not shown.

  • If a tab has been configured with visibility conditions, it will be displayed in accordance with those conditions ignoring inner elements.

Fields that cannot have the Barcode/QR Code Scanner option

The Data entry field is not available for these fields on the Visual Form Editor:

Activity fields

These auto-calculated fields:

  • Access Schedule [access_schedule]
  • Access Hours [access_hours]
  • Compliance Alerts [activity_compliance]
  • Alerts [activity_alerts]
  • SLA End [sla_window_end]
  • SLA Start [sla_window_start]
  • Traveling Time [travel]
  • Resource ID [pid]
  • Time Slot [time_slot]

These fields are not auto-calculated (but contain specific data):

  • Points [apoints]
  • Coordinate X [acoord_x]
  • Coordinate Y [acoord_y]
  • Duration [length]

These fields are not auto-calculated:

  • Name [cname]
  • Work Order [appt_number]
  • Cellular Phone [ccell]
  • Email [cemail]
  • Phone [cphone]
  • Account Number [customer_number]
  • State [cstate]
  • ZIP/Postal Code [czip]
  • City [ccity]
  • Address [caddress]

These auto-calculated fields:

  • First Manual Operation [first_manual_operation]
  • First Manual Operation Interface [first_manual_operation_interface]
  • First Manual Operation Performed by User [first_manual_operation_user_id]
  • First Manual Operation Performed by User (Login) [first_manual_operation_user_login]
  • First Manual Operation Performed by User (Name) [first_manual_operation_user_name]
  • Auto-Routed to Date [auto_routed_to_date]
  • Auto-Routed to Resource [auto_routed_to_provider_id]
  • Auto-Routed to Resource (Name) [auto_routed_to_provider_name]
  • Activity Time of Assignment [atime_of_assignment]
  • Activity Time of Booking [atime_of_booking]
  • Capacity Categories [activity_capacity_categories]
  • Coordinate Status [acoord_status]
  • Date [date]
  • Start - End [eta_end_time]
  • Delivery Window [delivery_window]
  • End [end_time]
  • Time Notified [time_delivered]
  • Work Zone [aworkzone]
  • Activity ID [aid]
  • Activity status [astatus]
  • Start [ETA]
  • Service Window [service_window] [service_window]
  • Travel estimation method [travel_estimation_method]

Inventory fields

These auto-calculated fields:

  • Changed Inventory ID [inv_change_invid]
  • Resource Id [inv_pid]
  • Activity Id [inv_aid]
  • Inventory Id [invid]
  • Inventory pool [invpool]

These fields are not auto-calculated (but contain specific data):

  • Quantity [quantity]

Resource fields

These auto-calculated fields:

  • ID [pid]
  • Working days left for reported data to start impacting duration estimations [skip_days_for_stats]
  • Reactivated [reactivated]
  • On-call Calendar [oncall_calendar]
  • Work Zones [resource_workzones]
  • Effective Work Skills [resource_effective_workskills]
  • Time slots [resource_time_slots]
  • Capacity Categories [resource_capacity_categories]
  • Work Skills [resource_workskills]
  • Calendar [calendar]
  • Queue status [queue_status]
  • Total [total]
  • Pending [pending]
  • Alerts [alerts]

These fields are not auto-calculated:

  • Name [pname]
  • External ID [external_id]
  • Email address [email]
  • Phone [pphone]

Service request fields

These auto-calculated fields:

  • Created [srcreated]
  • Activity [appt_ident]
  • Request Id [srid]
  • User Id [sr_uid]
  • Resource Id [sr_pid]
  • Activity Id [sr_aid]
  • Inventory Id [sr_invid]

These possibly auto-calculated fields:

  • User [uname]
  • Date [srdate]

User fields

These auto-calculated fields:

  • User ID [uid]
  • Registered [sucreated]
  • Failed login attempts [login_attempts]
  • Blocked to [login_blocked_to]
  • Last login [last_login]
  • Last password change [last_password_change]
  • Updated [suupdated]
  • Main Resource [main_resource_id]

These fields are not auto-calculated (but contain specific data):

  • Refresh Rate [refresh_rate]
  • Mobile Resource Count [mobile_provider_count]
  • Mobile Activity Count [mobile_activity_count]
  • Mobile Inventory Count [mobile_inventory_count]
  • Collaboration Group [collab_assigned_user_group]
  • Operator of Helpdesk [collab_operator_helpdesk]

These fields are not auto-calculated:

  • User name [uname]
  • Login [ulogin]
  • Password [password]