Activity Alerts

You see alert messages when you move activities. These messages guide you through the process. These alerts are available:

Overtime Alert: This alert notifies you that the estimated completion time of the activity extends beyond the end of a resource’s working day.

Soft Skill Mismatch Alert: This alert displays when you move an activity to a resource that does not have the preferable qualification level of an activity skill.

Work skill Mismatch Alert: This alert displays when you move an activity to a resource that does not have the required and preferred qualification level of an activity skill. Depending on your settings, the Work Skill Mismatch Alert either prevents you from moving the activity, or gives you the option to move it or to cancel the move.

Don't Move Alert: This alert displays when you try to move an activity type that is not allowed to move between resources. Activity types are configured in the Add activity type page.