Feature Selection in the Skill

You can select or deselect the features with some restrictions configured for each customer. This helps to support business flows, restrict, and switch flows easily. The names of the skill custom parameters and their predefined values are provided in the table later in the topic. You can change the predefined values. This functionality is implemented as a pair of parameters for each feature. The Property parameter can contain the value of property or field in Oracle Field Service and the PropertyValue represents the value of this property or field.

For example, let's say an organization wants to provide cancellation only for troubleshooting activities, so the customer can undo their request easily, if the issue is resolved. The configurator must specify the activity type 'troubleshooting' as a value of the Oracle Digital Assistant parameter. The configurator can use these values:
  • Use 'aworktype' as the value for allowCancelProperty. This means that an activity type defined in Oracle Field Service is used to validate the access.
  • Use a value of 'troubleshooting' for allowCancelPropertyValues. This means that the assistant can help with canceling, only if the activity type is 'troubleshooting'.
In this case, the cancel option is unavailable in the chat for activities other the 'troubleshooting' type of activity. This screenshot shows the parameters required for Where is My Technician:
This screenshot shows the parameters required for Where is My Technician.
This table provides the custom parameters and their predefined values:
Feature Oracle Digital Assistant Parameter Name Predefined Values Supported Oracle Field Service Property Type
Reschedule allowRescheduleProperty aworktype string/enum/int/field
allowReschedulePropertyValue ac_installation, furnace_repair, GS string/enum/int/field


aworktype string/enum/int/field


ac_installation, furnace_repair, GS string/enum/int/field
Send Message to Mobile Worker allowSaveMessageProperty aworktype string/enum/int/field
allowSaveMessagePropertyValues ac_installation, furnace_repair, GS string/enum/int/field
Share Feedback on external site allowExternalReviewProperty aworktype string/enum/int/field
allowExternalReviewPropertyValues ac_installation, furnace_repair, GS string/enum/int/field

To disable a feature, add 'N/A' for both the parameters. Oracle Digital Assistant doesn't allow empty values in custom parameters.

The Feedback feature does not have a configured option to switch. You can deselect it in the configuration on the Where is My Technician theme page.

Other parameters that the skill uses:
Feature Oracle Digital Assistant Parameter Name Predefined Values Description
All DAName Support assistant Name used when Oracle Digital Assistant introduces itself in the conversations with the user.
All dateFormat EEE d MMM Format of the dates used by the Skill when mentioning any dates in the conversations with the user. The format is based on this specification.
All endPoint Your Oracle Field Service REST API endpoint

You must configure the Oracle Field Service REST API endpoint to allow integration with an Oracle Field Service instance. For example

<OFS API endpoint>/rest

Cancel reasonDefaultValue DEFAULT The value that is set into the property configured for the "cancelReasonProperty" parameter, if the user doesn't provide a reason for cancellation.
Feedback maxNegativeThresh 3 Integer value that is used to treat the rating provided by the user as Negative, if the rating is equal to or less than the value of this parameter. If not, the value is treated as Positive.
authenticationServiceName authenticationServiceName WMTAssistantService Authentication service name provided at the time of configuring the service. Default value is given as an example.