Launch a Custom Form Dynamically

If your business uses several form variations, for example, a form for a specific type of asset or activity, you need not configure a button for each form individually. Instead, you can configure a single button or workflow step to launch the relevant form dynamically. This is achieved by populating the appropriate form label into a designated label property while creating an activity. To start with, you must define a property that stores the unique form label.

The high-level steps to configure a dynamic form button or workflow step are:

  1. Create a custom property to store the form label.
  2. Link the property to a button or workflow step.
  3. Populate the relevant form label into the property when creating a new activity (new activities are typically created through APIs).

Forms launched dynamically are supported in offline mode the same way as persistent forms. The application caches the forms for offline use, while loading the application at the beginning of the work day or while receiving updates for activities or inventory.

Oracle Field Service displays an error when you try to open a form that doesn't exist in the environment. For example, when an incorrect form label is populated into a dynamic form property. Further, dynamic form buttons and workflow steps are disabled when the linked dynamic form property is empty.