Add a Workflow Step

A workflow step is the page that you want to display at that step. This can be either a custom form, a plug-in, or a standard inventory action page. A step includes conditions that decide when a step is started or completed.

  1. Click Configuration > Workflow Manager.
    The existing workflows are displayed.
  2. Click the workflow for which you want to add a step.
  3. Click the plus icon (Add new button) in the right pane.
  4. Complete these fields on the Add step dialog box:
    Field Action
    Select one of these options:
    • Forms: Select the custom form that you want to display at this step. To display a form dynamically, select Form label is taken from property and select the form property that was created for this purpose in the Property containing form label field.
    • Plugins: Select the plugin that you want to display at this step.
    • Standard action screens: Select the standard inventory page that you want to display at this step.

    The options in the Show completed when section change based on the option you select here.

    Position in workflow Select the position of the step within the workflow. If you're adding the first step, ‘First’ is automatically populated. You can change the order of the steps on the Workflows page as well.
    Name translations Add the name of the step in the languages that you prefer. This name is displayed on the workflow panel.
    Show available when Select the visibility condition for the step. The condition can be based on a field or property, or a step in the workflow. This step is visible for end users only when the condition is satisfied. Always available (no conditions) means that a step is displayed for end users initially.

    Click the plus icon and select one of these options:

    • Fields and Properties: Click the plus icon. Select the field name and then select the condition it must satisfy. This is similar to adding the visibility conditions for user types.
    • Workflow Step: Click the plus icon. Select the custom form that you've selected for the current or an earlier step. Add the condition. This option lets you specify whether you want to display a step when a form selected in an earlier step is completed.

      Default: Form <form name> in (equal) submitted

      The Submitted option isn't available if you've selected a plug-in in the This step will open field.
    Show completed when Select the condition that decides a step as completed. The condition can be based on a field or property, or a step in the workflow. The step is marked as completed only when the condition is satisfied.

    Click the plus icon and select one of these options:

    • Fields and Properties: Click the plus icon. Select the field name and then select the condition it must satisfy. This is similar to adding the visibility conditions for user types.
    • Workflow Step: Click the plus icon. Select the custom form that you've selected for the current or an earlier step. Add the condition. This option lets you specify whether you want to mark a step as completed when the current form is submitted.

      Default: Form <form name> in (equal) submitted

      The Submitted option isn't available if you've selected a plug-in in the This step will open field.
    Parameters Use the Parameters section to prepopulate the fields on the form you're using with this step. This option is similar to the Parameters option when you configure a custom form using the Visual Form Editor.
  5. Click Add.
    The step is added.
  6. Click Save.
    The workflow is saved.