Add a Link Template

Link Templates are link profiles that describe how activities are linked. The templates contain the type of link, constraints for the time between activities, scheduling constraints, and assignment constraints. Links between the activities are created with the help of Link Templates.

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. In the General section, click Link Templates.
  3. Click Add Link Template.
    The New Link Template dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate icon that represents the way in which you want to link activities.
    The fields below the icons change based on your selection.
  5. Complete these fields:
    Field Description
    Minimum interval Minimum time interval between activities. Select one of the options:
    • Adjustable: The time interval is adjustable with the specified default value.

    • Non-adjustable: The time interval is non-adjustable with the specified predefined value.

    Maximum interval Maximum time interval between activities. Select one of the options:
    • Adjustable: The time interval is adjustable with the specified default value.

    • Non-adjustable: The time interval is non-adjustable with the specified predefined value.

    • Unlimited: The time interval is unlimited, with no restrictions.

    Assignment constraints Whether there are any constraints in assigning the activities to resources. Click Different resources if the linked activities can be performed by different resources. Click Same resource if the linked activities must be performed by the same resource.
    Scheduling constraints Whether there are any constraints in scheduling the activities. Click Different days if the linked activities can be performed on different days. Click Same day if the linked activities must be performed on the same day.
    Link for the 1st activity Specifies translations for the first activity. English is set as a default language, unless other languages are specified. You must also specify the label for this link which will be used by external applications.
    Link for the 2nd activity Specifies translations for the second activity. English is set as a default language, unless other languages are specified. You must also specify the label for this link which will be used by external applications.
    Label A unique identifier for this Link template.
    Status Whether this activity link type is available for selection as an option on the Add link page.