Add Non-Working Time to a Work Schedule

In addition to shifts, you may apply non-working time to certain work schedules. This could accommodate work schedules that include non-standard work time such as four-day workweeks or even holidays that occur on the same day every year. Keep in mind that many of the non-working reasons (illness, bereavement) tend to be used more frequently on a one-off basis for individual resources as days off occur.

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. In the General section, click Work Schedules.
    The Work Schedules page appears.
  3. Click Items to the right of the work schedule for which you want to add non—working time to.
    The selected work schedule appears.
  4. Click the pencil icon under Actions.
  5. Click Add Non-Working Reason.
  6. Complete these fields:
    This table describes the fields when you add a non-working reason for a work schedule:
    Field Description
    Shift Type Select from Regular or On Call depending on the shift type for which you want the non-working reason.
    Non-Working Reason Select the applicable reason from the drop-down list. This list is populated from entries in Company Settings, Non-Working Reasons.
    Start Date | End Date Select the date range that this non-working time is valid for. Open-ended dates imply that the non-working reason is indefinitely associated with the work schedule.
    Comments Enter any comments about the non-working reason. If Other is selected as a reason, then the Comments field becomes mandatory.
    Recurrence Select the appropriate option from the drop-down list. Options are:
    • Repeat daily – Allows for inclusion of the shift such as every other day or every 3rd day. This option requires a value in the field labeled every _____ day(s).

    • Repeat everyday – The shift applies to everyday without exception.

    • Repeat weekly – Allows for shifts that are used on a regular weekly pattern. Select the days that apply to this particular shift using the check boxes for the individual days. Indicate the frequency of this pattern weekly by adding a value to the every ____ weeks(s) field.

    • Repeat yearly – Select a date range for the shift that will recur every year.

    Date Selections Enter the date selections based upon the previous selection. Dates are inclusive.
  7. Click Add.
    The new non-working reason and period is added to the work schedule.