Assign Users to the Collaboration Group

Add one or more users to multiple helpdesks and collaboration groups. You can also delete selected users from a group.

You can only add a single user at a time in case you are creating a new user. In case of existing users, you can add multiple users to multiple groups simultaneously.
  1. Click Resources on the main menu.
  2. To add existing users:
    1. Use the Resource Type or User Type filters and filter the required resources.
    2. Select the check box against the desired resources.
      The number of resources you have selected is displayed in brackets for each group action.
    3. Click Set Collaboration Group.
      If you don't see the Set Collaboration Group option, add it to the Group actions section on the Resources Context layout structure for the selected user type.
    4. On the Set Collaboration Group dialog box, click the Collaboration Group field and select the required Collaboration groups.
    5. On the Set Collaboration Group dialog box, click the Operator Helpdesk field and select the HelpDesk for which you want to make the selected users as operators.
    6. Click Apply.
      The number of resources for which the Collaboration group is being added or that are made as Helpdesk operators is displayed in brackets on the Apply button.
  3. To add a new user:
    1. On the Add Resource page, click the Collaboration Group field and select the required Collaboration groups.
      If you don't see the Set Collaboration Group option, add it to the Edit Resource/user Context layout structure for the selected user type.
    2. On the Add Resource page, click the Operator of Helpdesk field and select the required Helpdesks.
    3. Complete the remaining mandatory fields.
    4. Click Submit.