Message Scenarios

A Message Scenario consists of one or more scenario steps, which determine the message content, recipients, delivery channels, and business rules. While each Message Scenario has at least one start step, you can configure multiple inner steps to run different actions based on the results of the preceding steps. The intent is to ensure that the right people or systems receive the expected notifications, while considering all potential circumstances.

When you want to use Message Scenarios for time-based notifications (for example, notifications to customers) the recommendation is to use Reminders, Alerts, or Visit selections in the Launch Conditions. For other Launch Conditions (for example, Route, Activity, Inventory, and Service Requests) the recommendation is to use the Core API/Events REST API for integration with Oracle Field Service.
Note: Because the messages go to your customers, you must test them carefully and thoroughly to ensure that the launch conditions, scenarios, steps, and channels are set up correctly. For more information about Launch conditions warnings and notes, Scenario Steps elements, Channel errors, Supported variables within the body of the message, refer to Oracle Field Service Message Scenario Configuration Guide.