Copy or Share a Page Configuration

When you want to create a user type that is similar to an existing user type, you can use the Copy or share screen configuration option. When you use this option, you select a different source of the page configuration for the current user type. In this case the current user type is dissociated from the shared page configuration.

  1. Click Configuration > User Types.
  2. Select an existing user type, which you want to be based on another user type.
  3. Click Screen configuration > Copy or share screen configuration.
  4. Select one of these options:
    Option Action
    Use Screen configuration of {User Type} Select this option to share the page configuration with one or more user types. Only one set of configuration settings exists, and any changes of the page configuration of one of the user types causes similar changes of the page configuration of other user types. In this case, sharing is inherited. That is, if the user type selected for sharing has been sharing its page configuration with other user types, the same page configuration will be used for all of them. The note underneath advises the user about the user types sharing the same page configuration.
    Create Screen configuration as copy of {User Type} Select this option to copy the page configuration from another user type. In this case, two independent sets of settings are created, and any changes apply only to the user type for which they are made. The note underneath advises the user about the user type whose page configuration will be copied.
    Create empty Screen configuration Select this option to clear the current page configuration. Only the settings of the current user type are cleared. If the page configuration had been shared with or copied from another user type previously, it is disconnected and a new independent page configuration is created. The note underneath advises the user that only the page configuration of the current user type will be cleared.

    If you have created a user type as a copy of another user type and then shared the page configuration, the message, Screen configuration shared with: {User type} displays on the Screen configuration tab. When you share the page configuration with another user type, the same set of settings is used for both user types, and both user types refer to them simultaneously. A shared page configuration means that all context layouts and their visibilities are similar for all user types sharing them. If you modify the page configuration for one of the user types, the same changes are applied immediately to all other user types sharing it.

    If a user type has an independent page configuration, you can replace with another by sharing or copying the page configuration of another user type. All user types with page configurations not related to those of other user types have the Copy/share screen configuration link. This link leads to the same page configuration options as are offered for changing the current page configuration. However, as the current screen configuration is not used elsewhere in the system, selecting any option removes it permanently. The note warns the administrator that the current configuration will be lost.