Restrictions and Filters Page

The last step in creating a user type is to define whether you want to hide or show activities, activity fields, and activity filters.

This table describes the fields available on the Restrictions and Filters page:

Setting Description Notes
Hide all activities Determines whether the users can or cannot access any activities in the system after a certain time. When selected, the administrator also has to set the time after which the activities are to be hidden. None
Hide activity fields Determines if the users can or cannot access certain activity fields after a certain time. The fields to be hidden are defined in the Field restrictions context. You can click the Activity fields link to access it. When selected, the administrator also has to set the time after which the activity fields are to be hidden. None
Filters restricting visible activities Defines whether the users of the current type can view the entire routes or only some activities. Setting the visibility restrictions requires proper configuration of the applicable filters. None