Define the activity search fields

The application uses the activity property fields defined in the Search section of the Business Rules page to search for activities.

You can also edit the activity property fields in the Search section of the Business Rules page to define additional search fields to search for activities. For example, assume that the activities are searched using the Name and Account Number activity fields. Now, you want to search the activities using the Address activity field. You can specify an additional search field as follows:
  1. Click Configuration.
  2. Click Business Rules in the General section.
    The Business Rules page displays.
  3. Click the Edit icon for Activity Search fields in the Search section.
    The Activity Search Fields dialog box displays.
  4. Click the Plus icon.
  5. Select the Address field.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click OK.
    The Address field displays in the Activity Search Fields section.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click the search icon and click Search Preferences.
    The Search preferences dialog box displays the selected search categories.
  10. Select the by Address check box.
  11. Click the Back to Search button and enter an address, for example, 7700 Technology Way, in the Search field.
    When you search for an activity or a resource, the search fields are selected in the order defined in the Search preferences dialog box. You can perform these tasks in the Search Preferences dialog box:
    • Click the reorder icon to drag the required activity search fields in the list to rearrange the order.

    • Select or deselect the required activity search fields to add or remove the activity search fields.

    • Select an option from the Date drop-down list to refine the activity search results.

    Note: Search uses the first 40 characters of the search string. You can't configure the Search field to accept a keyword that's fewer than three characters or symbols. You can't use the Activity ID field to search for activities. This is by design.


The activities matching the specified address display.