Configure the Manual Move Reasons

When dispatchers move activities manually using the Assignment Assistant, they add the reasons for moving. Dispatchers can select the reasons only if you have configured them on Business Rules.

  1. Click Configuration > Business Rules.
  2. Scroll down to the Assignment Assistant section.
  3. Click Add New.
    You can use the pencil icon to edit an existing move reason.
  4. Complete these fields on the Add Move Reason dialog box:
    1. In the English field, type a reason for moving an activity. For example, Non-availability of resource.
    2. Provide the translation names in the required languages.
    3. Set the status as Active (or inactive). Only Active reasons are available for selection on the Assignment Assistant.
    4. Select at least one move condition from these options:
      • Moving from bucket to resource
      • Moving from resource to resource
      • Moving from resource to bucket
      • Moving from bucket to bucket
      • Reordering within route
    5. Click Submit.
  5. Click the pencil icon in the Move Reasons are not applicable for selected User Types field. Select the User Types that need not provide a reason while moving activities. For example, contractors.
    Users that belong to the User Types selected here do not see the Move Reason field on the Assignment Assistant.
  6. Click Save on Business Rules.
    The Active move reasons are now available for selection on the Assignment Assistant. On the Business Rules page, Move Reasons are sorted alphabetically and Inactive reasons are displayed in the end, highlighted with the Inactive label. Further, the Conditions column is blank when all the move conditions are enabled for a Move Reason.