Add a Tracking URL to a Message Scenario

When your customers order a service, you notify them through a message that the service they have ordered is accepted. You add a URL to this message, using which your customers can view the details and track the mobile worker assigned to the activity. For that, you must add a placeholder to the 'Body' of the message step and specify the ‘Where is My Technician’ theme label.

  1. Go to Configuration > Message Scenarios.
  2. Click Modify on an existing message step or create a new step.
  3. Click Patterns and go to the Body section.
  4. Add the placeholder {{WMT_URL:label_theme}} to the required position in the message body.
    Here, label_theme is the label of the Where is My Technician theme that you want to use. There can only be one theme used per activity. So, if you have used more then one theme label for the same activity in different message steps, the theme in the last delivered message is used. If the message step has a typo in the placeholder, then the URL is not created (you can see this on the Message page). If the placeholder contains a nonexistent theme label or extra symbols, then the default theme is applied for the generated URL.
    Note: Make sure the placeholder {{WMT_URL:label_theme}} contains the double braces and doesn't have extra symbols (including spaces) between and after Label.
  5. Click Save.
    The WMT_URL placeholder is replaced with a unique tracking URL, when the message step is launched. The URL consists of the domain and a secure token that is specific for the activity. For example, where is the domain and a784hk596 is the secure token. This URL is available till the activity date and three days after. If the activity is rescheduled to a future date, you can use the 'Activity is moved' launch condition. Then, the URL is available starting from the new date. If your end-customer opens the URL after it expires, then they get the message, 'Oops. Seems that this URL is no longer valid and details are not available.' on the page. However, if the customer clicks an active URL for an activity in the past, 'Thank you!' is displayed.