Create the Device Model in the IoT Platform:

This section discusses an example scenario to create the device model in the IoT platform.

To create a device model:
  1. Log into IoT.
  2. Navigate to Devices, Model.
  3. Create a new Model named "Cell tower" with the following details:
    1. Name–Enter the value, Cell tower.
    2. Description–Enter the value “Cell tower model”
    3. URN–Enter the value “urn:com:oracle:iot:cellTower”
  4. Define the attributes for the model:
    1. signalLevel–Indicates the level of the GSM signal produced by the cell tower. Set the following values:
      • Type: Number

      • Range: -120.0, -30.0

      • Access: No

    2. Voltage–Specifies the voltage in the power network to which the tower is connected. Set the following values:
      • Type: Number

      • Range: 0.0, 160.0

      • Access: No

  5. Provide the details for the alert "serviceNeeded". Set the following values:
    • Name: serviceNeeded

    • Description: Routine service is needed

    • Type: Alert

    • URN: urn:com:oracle:iot:cellTower:serviceNeeded

    • Fields:

      • Name: service_needed

      • Type: Boolean

  6. Navigate to Application, , Device Models.
  7. Select Cell tower by clicking Hand button to use it with the assets.
  8. Select Device Model for System Alerts by clicking the Hand button to perform the integration between IoT and Oracle Field Service with the help of "Alert" object.
  9. Navigate to Application, , Device Selection and select Include All.