Delivery Channel Error Messages

If a delivery channel is configured improperly, an error message will appear when you try to save it.

The following error messages appear when fields are incomplete or wrong or when another error occurs:
  • Unable to load Delivery Channel settings

  • Unable to create a new Delivery Channel

  • Unable to update Delivery Channel

  • Unable to delete Delivery Channel

  • Delivery Channel does not exist (Try to change or delete the channel.)

  • Requested Delivery Channel is used by Message Scenarios and cannot be deleted

  • Name of delivery channel already exists

  • Bulk Size field must be in numeric symbols ranging from 1 to 10000

  • Host field must have a corresponding format (http(s)://

  • Port field must be in numeric symbols ranging from 1 to 65535

  • User field is empty

  • Password field is empty

  • Confirm Password field is empty

  • Password and Confirm Password do not match

  • Client Certificate is empty

  • Client Private Key is empty

  • Mandatory field is empty

  • {Field name} is wrong