New Delivery Channels Screen

The Delivery Channels screen lets you configure all external system connectivity parameters on a single screen. To open the screen, click the Channels button on the Message Scenarios screen.

The Deliver Channels list uses color coding to indicate the number and status of message scenarios using each delivery channel. The following color codes are used:
  • Green—No warnings and delivery channel is active.

  • Gray—No warnings and delivery channel is inactive.

  • Red—Warnings exist or the count is greater than zero and the channel is inactive.

The Advanced Settings section of the Delivery Channels screen is hidden if the Connection field is set to Not encrypted. Otherwise it is shown. The advanced settings include the following:
  • x509 Trust File

  • x509 CRL File

  • Client Certificate

  • Client Private Key

The format of the files in the Advanced Settings is PEM. You do not have to complete all fields. However, the Client Certificate and Client Private Key fields must both be either empty or completed.