Add a Delivery Channel

Add delivery channels for message scenarios on the Delivery Channels screen.

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. Click Configuration > Message Scenarios.
  3. Click Channels.
    The Delivery Channels page opens and lists the existing delivery channels.
  4. Click the plus sign.
    The page displays fields for entering general delivery channel information and end-point information.
  5. Type the name of the delivery channel in the Name fields.
  6. Select the required option from the Status drop-down list.
    Note: If notification scenarios contain at least one message step that uses an internal delivery channel (email or voice) then that channel is accessible in the list of channels. A user with appropriate permissions can select Active or Inactive to resume or stop the message delivery for any external or internal channel.

    For example, you can block a channel using the Inactive option in Test instances to disallow test messages to reach real customers. Messages that aren't delivered due to inactivated delivery channel get the status 'obsolete' with the description, EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATION_ARE_DISABLED. Note that the 'set property' messages don't have a delivery channel and can't be handled this way.

  7. Type a value between 1 and 10,000 in the Bulk Size field to define the maximum number of messages per request.
    Note: The default value is 10, which is also the recommended value.
  8. Type a host field in the Host/Port field using the format.
  9. Type a port number in the section of the Host/Port field that appears after the colon.
  10. Type a URL in the URL Path field.
  11. Type a user name in the User field.
  12. Type the user’s password in the Password field.
  13. Re-type the user’s password in the Confirm Password field.
  14. Select the Allow basic access authentication check box to implement HTTP basic authentication while integrating with external systems.
    When you select the check box, the outbound methods (such as send_message, drop_message, get_message_status methods) send the standard HTTP header "Authorization" with base64-encoded user credentials (standard basic access authentication). Also, the <user> SOAP structure is sent in the body of the request. The client application can either use the standard HTTP header "Authorization" or the <user> SOAP structure to send user credentials in the request.
    Note: When the check box isn't selected, the standard HTTP header isn't used in the request and the client application can use the <user> SOAP structure for authentication. For more information, see the Integrating with Outbound API Guide.
    Note: From the 19C release onward, the Disable Weak Password option is removed for delivery channels and all Outbound API integrations shall use the SHA256 algorithm for secured authentication. The delivery channels of the clients which used Weak Password Hashing (MD5) algorithm for Outbound API integrations, shall use the SHA256 algorithm for secured authentication.
  15. Click the Connection menu and select an encryption method for the connection. The options include:
    • Not encrypted
    • Default encryption
    • SSL 3
    • TLS 1.0
    • TLS 1.1
    • TLS 1.2
  16. If you selected any option except Not encrypted, the Advanced settings section opens to let you enter certificates and a client private key. Complete some or all the following fields:
    • x509 Trust File
    • x509 CRL File
    • Client Certificate
    • Client Private Key
    The format of the files in the Advanced Settings is PEM. You don't have to complete all fields. However, the Client Certificate and Client Private Key fields must both be either empty or completed.
    Note: To configure and use mTLS connections for sending messages from Oracle Field Service to external systems, see How do I configure an mTLS connection?
  17. Click Save.
    The newly created delivery channel appears.