What escalation message launch conditions are available?

These condition-driven launch conditions provide notifications about activities that are not started on time.

Not started 1 – This launch condition is invoked when an activity has not been started within a certain time after ETA.

Not started 2 – This launch condition is similar to Not started 1. It allows setting the second message with a different delay time. The Not started launch condition can only be invoked for a pending ordered activity (regular or reopened) in an activated route which belongs to the current working day. The Enable not started trigger feature should be enabled for the corresponding activity type. The Not started 1 and Not started 2 messages are independent and can be generated for the same activity at the same time.

Not activated – This message is sent if the resource has not activated their route the defined number of minutes after the planned start of the working day, according to the calendar. It works only once a day for a specific route. The messages are not generated again if the calendar has been changed. If any not activated in time messages are present for the resource at the moment of route activation, these messages become obsolete. For a new resource the Not activated in time messages are only generated on the next day (in the company time zone) after its creation. This launch condition is only invoked for resources with the Enable Not activated in time alert and trigger feature enabled.

Service window warning - This message is intended to notify of a possibility to lose the service window. It is sent in the case when the Activity has not been started within the defined number of minutes before the service window end.

This trigger is only invoked for pending ordered activities (regular or reopened) in an activated route with a service window that belongs to the current working day. This trigger is invoked only once per activity. You should also activate the Enable SW Warning trigger feature for the corresponding activity type.

Configure this trigger using the threshold parameter near the Service window warning trigger selector on the Notification Triggers screen. It defines the number of minutes before the end of service window that is used in the condition.

SLA window warning – This message is intended to notify of a possibility to lose the SLA window. This trigger is only invoked for pending or started activities (regular or reopened). The warning is sent if the activity has not been started (for pending activities) or completed (for started activities) the defined number of minutes before the SLA window end. It is invoked only once per activity. But, if SLA window end has changed after the generation of the SLA window warning messages, the trigger can be invoked again.

Configure this trigger using the threshold parameter (hours/minutes) near the SLA window warning trigger selector on the Notification Triggers screen. It defines the number of minutes before the end of the SLA window that is used in the condition.
Note: For more information, see the Add a launch condition for a message scenario section.