Launch Conditions Related to Route and Activity Actions

Most of these action-driven launch conditions are invoked by the resources manual action.

Following is the brief overview of the launch conditions:

  • Activate – invoked on a route activation

  • Deactivate – invoked on a route deactivation

  • Reactivate – invoked on reactivation of a previously deactivated route

  • Add – invoked when a new activity is added or an existing activity is moved to a different day or resource. This launch condition is not invoked for prework activities (regular and reopened only).

  • Start – invoked on activity start. This launch condition is not invoked for prework activities (regular and reopened only)

  • Complete – invoked on completion of a started activity

  • Cancel – invoked when an activity is canceled

  • Not done – invoked when the status of a started activity is changed to not done

  • Delay – invoked on activity routing run delays if the activity duration after the Delay action exceeds the threshold value (in minutes)

  • Suspend – invoked when a started or a pending activity is suspended. This launch condition is not invoked for pre-work activities

Note: If the suspend action is performed for a started activity, a new suspended activity is created, and the launch condition is invoked for the newly-created activity (with the suspended status). In this case, both the pending and the suspended activities have the same property values, and the suspended activity has no inventory.

A Move activity is invoked when an existing activity is moved to another resource or day. This launch condition is not invoked for prework activities.

The messages generated by the Move activity launch condition refer to the origin resource. In order to retrieve information about the destination resource, use the destination_resource block

In order to retrieve information about the destination resource and date, use the following placeholders:

  • destination_resource_id
  • destination_resource_external_id
  • destination_resource_name
  • destination_date

The Resource changed? and the Day changed? message blocking conditions can be used to determine if the move is to be performed to another resource or to another day. For more information, see Working with Launch Conditions.