Reminder and Change Notification Launch Conditions

Reminder and change are condition-driven launch conditions intended for use with PCC messages.

These launch conditions invoke message scenarios at the moment of time set in the launch condition configuration. The time is calculated in relation to the Notification base that is configured in the Reminder and change notifications selector. It can be one of the following activity fields:
  • ETA
  • delivery window start
  • service window start
The Reminder launch condition is intended to generate a reminder message to a customer which is to be sent within a fixed time prior to an activity. The allowed reminder time values (for example, 45, 60, 90) will be shown as the Reminder field values in the Activity details screen.
Note: Subject to user visibility settings, the Reminder field may appear in read-only mode.
There are up to five Change launch conditions which can be used to send a message if the activity delivery time has changed.

In order for the Reminder and Change messages to be sent, the Enable reminder and change triggers feature should be enabled for the corresponding activity type. At the same time, both launch conditions can be invoked only for a pending ordered activity (regular or reopened) in an activated route on the current working day. The Reminder message is generated within the time period from Reminder Time + Reminder Time Adjust to Reminder Time – Reminder Silent Interval before the activity Notification base. This flowchart shows the relationship between the Reminder Interval between the Reminder Time and the Notification Base changes. This process is described in the paragraphs above and below.

The Reminder time is defined on the activity level using the Reminder field in the Activity details screen. When the Reminder time is set to 0, the Reminder launch condition is disabled for the selected activity. The Reminder Time Adjust is the system predefined time shift for the reminder, which is used to eliminate the delay in message processing. For example, if Reminder Time Adjust = 3 minutes and Reminder Time = 60 minutes, the reminder will be generated 63 minutes prior to the Notification base. The value of Reminder Time – Reminder Silent Interval defines the minimal time before the Notification base is to generate the Reminder.

The Reminder launch condition can be invoked only once for the same activity. Each of the Change launch conditions is defined by its own time interval, based on the time remaining to the Notification base, and the threshold value (in minutes). The Change message is initiated when the current time is within a specific Change launch condition time interval, and the difference between the current value of the Notification base and the time previously reported to the customer is equal or higher than the threshold.

The time intervals of different Change launch conditiontriggers should be configured in a way that they do not overlap. The Change launch condition is not invoked if:
  • the Reminder is not sent and the current time is within the Reminder Silent Interval

  • an incomplete Reminder exists

  • a Change message has already been sent and the last Change message was sent by the same change trigger.

Before generating messages, the Reminder and Change launch conditions try to cancel all existing customer messages (if any). They use the drop_message SOAP function to cancel messages that are in the Sending status. If the corresponding agent is not accessible, or it returns a result indicating that the message is under processing and cannot be dropped, the generation of the Reminder and Change messages is stopped and will repeat during the next cycle.

Change and Reminder messages are removed from the message queue if one of the following events occurs after they have been generated and sent:
  • the Activity status is changed

  • the Activity becomes not ordered

  • the Activity is moved

Note: For more information, see the Add a launch condition for a message scenario section.