Day Before Launch Condition

The day before is an action-driven launch condition that generates messages to customers that should be sent before the activity within the predefined time period.

The day before launch condition is intended for use with PCC (predictive customer communications) messages. It is invoked when a new activity is created or when an existing activity is rescheduled. The launch condition is not invoked for non-scheduled, reopened, or prework activities. The launch condition generates messages only for the activities for which the Enable 'day before' trigger feature is enabled in Company settings > Activity types.

The day-before messages become obsolete after the following activity-related actions: cancel, delete, start, suspend, reschedule, as well as upon the creation of the Reminder and the Change messages with the Customer recipient. No day-before messages are generated on the activity move between resources within the same day.

Note: For more information, see the Add a launch condition for a message scenario section.