Launch Condition Warnings and Notes

If a launch condition is configured improperly, a warning will appear when you try to save it.

Launch Condition Warnings and Descriptions

Type Text Description
Note Note: Selected value {PRIOR_TO_VALUE} will be also applied for Reminder and other Change launch conditions. Appears for Change launch conditions when the value of the Notify30_60 parameter is changed.
Note Note: Selected value {PRIOR_TO_VALUE} will be also applied for Change launch conditions. Appears for the Reminder launch condition when the value of the Notify30_60 parameter is changed.
Note Note: Selected value {PRIOR_TO_VALUE} will be also applied for Visit reminder and other Visit change launch conditions. Appears for Visit change launch conditions when the value of the Visit notification base parameter is changed.
Note Note: Selected value {PRIOR_TO_VALUE} will be also applied for Visit change launch conditions. Appears for the Visit reminder launch condition when the value of the Visit notification base parameter is changed.
Warning This launch condition already assigned to the {MESSAGE_SCENARIO_NAME} message scenario. It will be reassigned to the current message scenario. Appears when you try to reassign a launch condition assigned to another message scenario.
Error Start time has to be greater than end time Appears when validation fails for start time and end time parameters.
Error Incorrect parameter value Appears when validation fails. The corresponding field will be highlighted.
Error Entered time range [{EDITED_TRIGGER_START} – {EDITED_TRIGGER_END}] has intersection with other configuration: {EXISTED_TRIGGER_NAME} [{EXISTED_TRIGGER_START} – {EXISTED_TRIGGER_END}] Appears when a time range for a Change (or Visit Change) event crosses the range of another already configured Change (or Visit Change) event.