Working with Launch Conditions

Launch conditions are the system events that trigger a message scenario. The Message Scenarios page displays information about launch conditions for the selected scenario.

Message scenarios are not initiated unless and until something happens to trigger them. The event that sets the message scenario in motion is called a launch condition, and these events are predefined by Oracle Field Service. Launch conditions include events such as the delay of an estimated arrival time, the reassignment of an activity, or the installation of inventory. You define the launch condition that sends a specific message to a designated recipient using the delivery channel you identify at the time you want it to be sent.

You can specify multiple launch conditions for a single message scenario, and whenever one of those conditions is detected, the message scenario begins to run through the steps of the scenario. However, while message scenarios can have multiple launch conditions, each launch condition can be associated with only one message scenario because the system has to know which scenario to launch when the launch condition is detected.

The two types of launch conditions include action-driven and condition-driven. Action-driven launch conditions are those events that immediately launch the message scenario when they occur, for example, activating a route or completing an activity. Condition-driven launch conditions are determined by polling the system periodically to see if certain conditions have been fulfilled and, if they have, then launching the message scenario. For example, Oracle Field Service checks to see whether the current time is within a notification window for the start of a delivery window or in the time frame during which an escalation notice should be sent. So there is not a specific action that launches the message scenario for condition-driven launch conditions, but rather the passage of time that indicates the message should be sent now.

The Launch conditions section displays the scenario’s existing launch conditions and lets you add and remove conditions. A numeric indicator lets you know how many messages are in the queue for each of the launch conditions and lets you estimate the potential results of any changes you make to the scenario.
Note: If the number of messages is greater than 999, the indicator displays the number in thousands, denoted by the letter k. For example, 5,000 messages will be indicated as 5k. If the number of messages is 1,000,000 or greater, the indicator displays the number in millions, denoted by the letter m. For example, 12,000,000 messages is displayed as 12m.

You can remove a launch condition by clicking the x in the upper right corner of the condition indicator.