Add a Launch Condition for a Message Scenario

A launch condition is the event that triggers the message scenario.

Launch conditions are configured on the Message Scenarios screen.
  1. Click Configuration and select Message Scenarios under the Subsystems and Integrations heading.
  2. On the Message Scenarios screen, select the scenario for which you want to define a launch condition.
  3. Click the Add new link for launch conditions.
    The Add launch condition window opens. The window contains a drop-down menu that, when clicked, lets you select the event that triggers the message scenario.
    The Add Launch Condition window lets you select an event that triggers the message scenario.
  4. Select the launch condition for the message scenario, referring to the following table for a description of each condition.
  5. Click OK.


Launch condition, associated scenarios, and description

Launch Condition Scenario to be associated to OR Scenario will be launched when Description

For detailed information about how the reminder interval for message delivery is determined, refer to Reminder and Change Notification Launch Conditions

Day Before

There is a specified number of days prior to activity

Provides a proactive message to customers within the defined number of days before an activity is scheduled to start. The message is sent immediately at the specified time before a new or rescheduled activity.

This launch condition is not invoked for non-scheduled, reopened, or pre-work activities. It also applies only to activities that have the Enable ‘day before’ trigger field selected when the activity type is created or modified. Messages invoked by this launch condition become obsolete after the following activity-related actions:

  • Cancel

  • Delete

  • Start

  • Suspend

  • Reschedule

No messages are generated when an activity is moved between resources on the same day.


There is a specified number of minutes prior to activity

Provides a proactive message to customers within the defined number of minutes before an activity is scheduled to start. The message is sent immediately at the specified time before a new or rescheduled activity.

This launch condition is not invoked for non-scheduled, reopened, or pre-work activities. Messages invoked by this launch condition become obsolete after the following activity-related actions:

  • Cancel

  • Delete

  • Start

  • Suspend

  • Reschedule

No messages are generated when an activity is moved between resources on the same day.

Additional information is required when you select this launch condition:

  • Reminder time in minutes (Specify more than one reminder time by separating the values with commas)

  • How the time is calculated:

    • Delivery window start

    • Service window start

    • ETA

  • Silent interval

Change 1 to Change 5

Estimated time of arrival is changed (1st)

Estimated time of arrival is changed (2nd)

Estimated time of arrival is changed (3rd)

Estimated time of arrival is changed (4th)

Estimated time of arrival is changed (5th)

Provides up to five proactive messages to customers when the estimated time of arrival for the activity has changed. Additional information is required when you select this launch condition:

You will be asked to specify the difference between when the time is calculated (delivery window start, service window start, or ETA) and when the last notification was delivered to the customer. You will also define a window of time before the activity start for which the rule will apply.

  • How the time is calculated:

    • Delivery window start

    • Service window start

    • ETA

  • The number of minutes between the time and the last time a message was delivered to the customer, at which point this message will be delivered

  • The range of minutes prior to the activity start during which the launch condition applies

These launch conditions are invoked only for pending ordered activities (regular or reopened) in an activated route on the current work day; they do not apply when a reminder is not sent and the current time is within the silent interval, when an incomplete reminder exists, or when a change message was already sent and the last change message was sent by the same launch condition. It also applies only to activities that have the Enable ‘reminder’ and ‘change’ triggers field selected when the activity type is created or modified.

Messages generated by these launch conditions are removed from the message queue if one of the following events occurs after their generation and sending:

  • The activity status is changed.

  • The activity becomes non-ordered.

  • The activity is moved.

Refer to Reminder and Change Notification Launch Conditions.

Call Ahead Next activity is about to start Provides a proactive message to customers when the next activity is about to start.



Route is activated

Invoked when a route is activated.

Route is deactivated

Invoked when a route is deactivated.

Route is reactivated

Invoked when a route is reactivated.



Activity is created

Invoked when a new activity is created or an existing activity is moved to a different day or resource. This launch condition is invoked only for regular and reopened activities, but not for prework or instances of mass repeating activities, such as lunches or meetings.


Activity is started

Invoked when an activity is started. This launch condition is invoked only for regular and reopened activities, but not for prework.


Activity is completed

Invoked when an activity is completed.


Activity is cancelled

Invoked when an activity is cancelled.

Not done

Activity is not done

Invoked when the status of an activity is changed to not done.


Activity is delayed

Invoked when an activity is delayed beyond the number of minutes specified in the launch condition.


Activity is suspended

Invoked when an activity is suspended.

Note: If a started activity is suspended, a new suspended activity is created. This launch condition is then invoked for the new suspended activity. When this happens, both the pending and suspended activities have the same property values, and the suspended activity has no inventory.
Move Activity

Activity is moved

Invoked when an activity is moved to a different day or different resource. This launch condition is invoked only for regular and reopened activities, but not for prework.

The messages that are generated with this launch condition refer to the origin resource. To retrieve information about the destination resource, use the destination_resource block. To retrieve information about the destination resource and date, use the following placeholders:
  • destination_resource_id

  • destination_resource_external_id

  • destination_resource_name

  • destination_date

For information about using blocks and placeholders, refer to Message Content Overview

To control whether the activity can be moved to another resource or another day, use the Resource changed? or Day changed? blocking condition. For information about blocking conditions, refer to About Blocking Conditions.


Not Started 1

Not Started 2

Activity is not started after the ETA (alert 1)

Activity is not started after the ETA (alert 2)

Invoked when an activity has not been started within the number of minutes specified when defining the launch conditions. The two launch conditions are independent and can be generated for the same activity at the same time. They can be invoked only for pending ordered activities (regular or reopened) in an activated route that belongs to the current working day.
Not Activated Route is not activated

Invoked when a route has not been activated within the number of minutes specified when defining the launch condition. This launch condition applies only once per day per route, and messages are not regenerated if the calendar changes. Any existing not-activated messages become obsolete at the moment of route activation. If the resource is new, the messages generated by this launch condition are not generated until the day after the resource is created. Additionally, the resource must be associated with a resource type that has the Enable ‘Not activated in time’ alert and trigger field selected when the resource type is created or modified.

Service Window Warning Activity is not started on time for the service window Invoked when an activity has not started within the number of minutes before the end of the service window that is specified when defining the launch condition. It is also invoked when an activity is scheduled after the end of the service window. The launch condition can be invoked only for pending ordered activities (regular or reopened) in an activated route with a service window that belongs to the current working day, and it is invoked only once per activity. The activity must be associated with an activity type that has the Enable ‘SW Warning’ trigger field selected when the activity type is created or modified.
SLA Warning Activity is not completed before the end of SLA window Invoked when a pending activity has not been started within the defined number of minutes before the end of the SLA window or when a started activity is not completed within the defined number of minutes before the end of the SLA window. The launch condition is invoked only once per activity unless the SLA window end changes after the generation of this alert, at which point it can be invoked again.
Service request

Manual Service request is created
Invoked when a service request is created. When you create the message, you can use placeholders related to the service request and its parent objects. For example, if the service request is for an activity, the content can contain placeholders related to the request, activity, route, and resource. Refer to What activity message placeholders are available?. Use this launch condition for the following situations:
  • Inventory tracking and hardware testing

  • Initiating SRO or sending any other form

  • Initiating support requests

  • When a transaction is initiated without being related to the activity

  • Other activity or inventory requests


The inventory launch conditions are used to communicate inventory operations to an enterprise resource planning system and perform automated provisioning.

Install Inventory Inventory is installed Invoked when inventory is moved from the resource pool to the install pool or when a new install inventory record is created.
Deinstall Inventory Inventory is deinstalled Invoked when inventory is moved from the customer pool to the deinstall pool or when a new deinstall inventory record is created.
Exchange Inventory Inventory is exchanged Invoked when inventory exchange between the resource pool and the customer pool is performed.
Undo Install Inventory Undo install inventory performed Invoked when inventory is moved from the install pool to the resource pool.
Undo Deinstall Inventory Undo deinstall inventory is performed Invoked when inventory is moved from the deinstall pool to the customer pool.
Move Inventory Inventory is moved

Invoked when inventory is moved between different resources. The launch condition applies when a user moves an inventory item belonging to his or her resource to another resource using Collaboration Service. Depending on visibility restrictions, the destination resource may be invisible to the user who originates the move.

The messages generated by this trigger refer to the origin resource. Use the destination_resource block to retrieve information about the destination resource.

Use the following placeholders to retrieve information about the destination resource.
  • destination_resource_id

  • destination_resource_external_id

  • destination_resource_name

Refer to Message Content Overview for details about using blocks and placeholders.

Visit The visit launch conditions apply to groups of activities, called visits, which are a combination of several related activities for one customer. They are used to send proactive messages to customers for the entire visit, thus avoiding multiple messages for different activities within a single visit.
Visit Day Before There is a specified number of days prior to visit

Provides a proactive message to customers within the defined number of days before a visit is scheduled to start. After a five-minute delay to allow the system to accept the other activities that comprise the visit, the message is sent at the specified time before a new or rescheduled visit. The delay also prevents generation of messages for temporary visits, which may be created with visit activities are moved between resources one by one.

Visit Reminder There is a specified number of minutes prior to visit

Provides a proactive message to customers within the defined number of minutes before a visit is scheduled to start. The message is sent immediately at the specified time before a new or rescheduled activity. The launch condition is invoked only for pending visits and only once for the same visit. The first customer-related activity in the visit must be an ordered activity in an activated route for the current working day.

Additional information is required when you select this launch condition:

  • The time prior to the visit in minutes

  • How the time is calculated:

    • Delivery window start

    • Service window start

    • ETA

  • Silent interval

Refer to Reminder and Change Notification Launch Conditions to understand when the message is sent.

Visit Change 1 — Visit Change 5

(For visit) Estimated time of arrival is changed (1st)

(For visit) Estimated time of arrival is changed (2nd)

(For visit) Estimated time of arrival is changed (3rd)

(For visit) Estimated time of arrival is changed (4th)

(For visit) Estimated time of arrival is changed (5th)

Provides up to five proactive messages to customers when the estimated time of arrival for the visit has changed. Additional information is required when you select this launch condition.
  • How the time is calculated:

    • Delivery window start

    • Service window start

    • ETA

  • The number of minutes between the time and the last time a message was delivered to the customer, at which point this message will be delivered

  • The range of minutes prior to the activity start during which the launch condition applies

These launch conditions apply only to pending visits, and the first customer-related activity in the visit must be an ordered activity in an activated route for the current day. They are not invoked in the following circumstances:
  • The Visit reminder is not sent and the current time is within the silent interval for the visit reminder.

  • An incomplete Visit reminder exists.

  • The Visit change message has already been sent and the Visit change message was sent by the same visit change launch condition.

For more information about the when the message is sent, refer to Reminder and Change Notification Launch Conditions.

Visit Cancel Visit is cancelled Invoked when a visit is cancelled.
Visit Complete Visit is completed Invoked when a visit is completed.