Message Type Message Placeholders

These are message placeholders related to messages.

Placeholders for message

Placeholder Description
prev_status Status of the previous message step
prev_desc Description of the previous message step
prev_data Data of the previous step
prev_subject Subject of the previous step
prev_body Body of the previous step
message_time_zone Name of the time zone from the corresponding scenario step
message_time_zone_id ID of the time zone from the corresponding scenario step
message_time_zone_label Label of time zone from the corresponding scenario step
message_time_zone_diff Time difference stored in the message
message_time_of_creation Time when the message was created. In case of 'inner' steps, value might differ from the time of the event that resulted in the creation of this message. It is printed using the time zone of the message (based on the selected Recipient).
message_time_of_content_generation Time when content was generated for this message. It is printed using the time zone of the message (based on the selected Recipient).