Notification Methods

These are the supported notification methods and their functional features.

Recipient Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition No. Always Customer.
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Send At Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition No. Always time of event.
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Within Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition Yes
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Block messages for specific days Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition Yes
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Block messages for Holidays Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition Yes
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Shift Blocked Messages Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition Yes
External System Yes
Set Property Yes

Number of Attempts on Failed Status Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition No
External System Yes
Set Property No

Number of Attempts on Sent Status Method

Supported Features Description
Email No
External launch condition No
External System Yes
Set Property No

Customer Notification Time Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition Yes
External System Yes
Set Property No

Email Address Source/Phone Number Source Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition No
External System No
Set Property No

Reply Address Method

Supported Features Description
Email Yes
External launch condition No
External System No
Set Property No

Survey-PAS Survey Support Method

Supported Features Description
Email No
External launch condition No
External System Yes
Set Property No

Default Encoding Method

Supported Features Description
Email -
External launch condition XML
External System XML
Set Property -

Time zone of date/time values in subject/body of messages Method

Supported Features Description
Email based on recipient
External launch condition based on recipient
External System based on recipient
Set Property based on recipient