Add Next Steps

The Next steps tab defines what should happen when the scenario step is completed. You can specify different next steps that depend on the status of the message (for example, whether it was sent successfully or if it failed to send).

  1. Open the scenario step for which you want to define the next steps.
  2. Click the Next Steps tab.
  3. Click the Status drop-down menu and select the status that will be the condition for triggering the next step.
    The available options include: Sent, Delivered, False Method, and Failed.
  4. If you want the next step to depend on the description that was added on the Conditions tab, click the Description check box and type the description in the field.
    When the message step has the status you select and the description matches your entry in the Description field, the next step that you define will be initiated.
  5. Click the Next step drop-down menu and select the step you want to initiate when the message step is completed and has the status you selected in step 3 and matches the optional description if you entered one in step 4.
  6. Click Add to add the next step to the panel on the right side of the Next Steps tab.
  7. To edit a next step, select it in the right panel, click Edit, and make the necessary changes to the Status, Description, and Next step fields.
  8. To delete a next step, select is in the right panel and click Delete.
  9. Click Update to save your changes on the Next steps tab
  10. Click Update again to save the scenario step.