Non-Serialized Inventory Update

You cannot install or deinstall non-serialized inventory through a simple update of properties in the 'inventory' or 'inventoryList' entity data collection. This is because, updating non-serialized inventory requires creating new inventory in the target inventory pool. You can process non-serialized inventory only using Inventory Actions.

You can add decimal values for the "quantity" field of inventory in the "inventory" and "inventoryList" collections and for the "quantity" param of all of inventory actions (create, delete, install, deinstall, undo_install, and undo_deinstall).

Oracle Field Service rounds off the value before applying the update or action. Therefore, it won't have more digits after the decimal point than what is configured for the inventory type (the "Quantity precision" option). The value for "quantity" must satisfy these requrements:
  • Is a Number or a String for which the parseFloat() function returns the Number (not NaN)
  • Is less than 9999999999.99999
  • Is greater that -9999999999.99999 for "inventory" and "inventoryList" collections
  • Is greater that 0 for inventory actions
If these requirements are not satisfied, these error messages are shown:
  • For "inventory" and "inventoryList" collections, the error type is TYPE_ENTITY_PROPERTY, the code is CODE_PROPERTY_VALUE_INVALID
  • For inventory actions the error type is TYPE_ACTION_PARAM and the code is CODE_ACTION_PARAM_VALUE_INVALID