
You can find the errors codes and their relevent descriptions of the errors that are created by the wakeup method.

Following table describes the various error codes and their descriptions that are created by the wakeup method.

Code Cause
CODE_WAKEUP_EVENTS_INVALID "wakeOnEvents" is not a plain object
CODE_WAKEUP_EVENT_NOT_SUPPORTED "wakeOnEvents" contains a field which key is not one of: "online", "timer"
CODE_WAKEUP_EVENT_PARAMS_INVALID "wakeOnEvents" contains a field which in not null and is not a plain object

One of:

  • "wakeupDelay" field value is not an integer number
  • "wakeupDelay" field value is less than 10
  • "sleepTimeout" field value is not an integer number
  • "sleepTimeout" field value is less than 10 or greater than 3600