error Method

The message for the error method always has the 'errors' field that contains the list of errors.

Example of error Method Message
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "method": "error",
    "entity": "activityList",
    "errors": [
            "type": "TYPE_ENTITY_PROPERTY",
            "code": "CODE_ACTIVITY_STATUS_INVALID",
            "entity": "activity",
            "entityId": "3956532",
            "propertyLabel": "astatus"
            "type": "TYPE_ENTITY_PROPERTY",
            "code": "CODE_MANDATORY_PROPERTY_EMPTY",
            "entity": "inventory",
            "entityId": "20998086",
            "propertyLabel": "inv_aid"
Each element of the errors list is an object and contains these fields:
  • type: Describes the type of error that occurred while processing a message, for example, invalid property value, internal error. Type determines the additional fields that are available in the error object, for example, property label.

  • code: Describes the error more specifically, for example, a validation rule that is violated by the data sent by a plug-in.

The elements may contain additional fields, such as entity, entityId, propertyLabel depending on the type of the error.