Add a Hosted Plug-In

A Hosted plug-in is hosted in Oracle Field Service and uses the Plugin API to interact with Oracle Field Service. You can host a maximum of 35 plug-ins, excluding Standard plug-ins.

  1. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
    The Forms & Plugins page appears and displays the existing forms and plug-ins.
  2. Click Add Plugin.
  3. Click Plugin Archive and then click Next.
  4. Complete these fields:
    Field Name Description
    General Information section
    Label A required field defining a unique action or a label for the plug-in.
    Entity Entity (activity, inventory, required inventory, resource, service request, user) to which the action or plug-in is to be related. For example, if you select Inventory, the action will appear only in the contexts related to inventory. Leave the field blank for the action to be available in all contexts of all the entities.
    Visibility rules similar to The base action from which the plug-in is to be derived, if needed. When a base action is selected, the resulting plug-in functions per the same rules as the base action. The base action affects only the visibility of buttons and not the functioning of the plug-in. It appears only in the contexts in which the base action appears and is shown or hidden according to the same visibility conditions. For example, if start_activity is selected as the base action for a plug-in, the plug-in is only be shown in the context of a pending activity when there's no started activity in the same route, similar to the Start action. The list of available base actions is filtered according to the Entity that's selected.
    Name (English) A required field defining the plug-in name in the English language. The action or plug-in appears under this name in the actual context.
    Name (other languages) Plug-in name translations to other languages, if used.
    Plugin settings section
    Plugin archive The zip file for the Hosted plug-in, which contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Click the field to browse and select file, or drag a file.
    Disable plug-in in offline Determines whether you want to disable the plug-in when Oracle Field Service is offline. Clear this check box for the plug-in to work in offline mode.
    Plugin parameters The section where sensitive information such as a user name and password that is used to access external sites is entered. Click plus to add the parameters. The Add new parameter dialog box appears with these fields:
    • Name: Enter a name for the parameter that is used to access an external application. For example, Client ID.
    • Value: Enter a value for the parameter.
    • Secure parameter: Select the check box to indicate that the parameter contains sensitive data. When you enable the check box, the application masks the value of the parameter and replaces it with a series of dots.

      You can deselect the check box and verify that the value is correct until you save the configuration of the plug-in. Once you save the configuration, the application masks the value of the parameter on the Edit Plugin and Modify parameter pages.

      However, when you open an existing secure parameter, you can only replace the value, as the application deletes the value from the field.

    • Click Add. The parameter is added to the plug-in.
    You can add a maximum of 20 key-value textbox pairs, after which the icon is hidden. The maximum size of the parameters allowed is 5 KB. This size includes the data structure overhead and doesn't correspond to the length of keys and values of strings. Changes to the secure data are sent to Oracle Field Service during the next synchronization. The data is sent to the plug-in when the next message is sent.

    If you open the values saved earlier, the application deletes them. You must add them again.

    Available properties The properties that you want to be passed to the plug-in or updated by the plug-in. These properties are added as read-only and are available through the Plugin API. Click the field to select the properties. You need not define the visibility for the properties explicitly.

    These properties can't be updated through the Plug-in API:
    • activity_capacity_categories

    • auto_routed_to_date
    • auto_routed_to_provider_id
    • aworkzone
    • date
    • time_delivered

    You can't add these properties to the list of Available properties:

    • activity_alerts
    • access_hours
    • activity_compliance
    • atravelarea
    • travel_estimation_method
    • service_window_end
    • service_window_start
    • eta_end_time
    • pid (it's still available for the Resource entity)
    • ctime_delivered_start
    • ctime_delivered_end
  5. Click Add.
    The archive is uploaded only if these conditions are met:
    • The archive is a ZIP archive and has the extension .zip.

    • The size of the archive is less than 500 KB.

    • The archive includes only directories and files of these types:
      • .html files

      • .css files

      • .js files

      • .appcache files

      • .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .svg files

      • Directories

    • Files are less than 1 MB.

    • The "index.html" file is found in the root of the archive.

    • The archive includes a maximum of 10 entries, including empty directories.

    If any of these conditions isn't met, an error message is displayed and the archive isn't uploaded.

    To use the plug-in, you must add it to a button or a link. See the Add the Plug-In to a Page topic. The URL for the hosted plug-in is typically