Working Offline

You can create the plug-in to work offline using two possible approaches, or a combination of them.

The approaches are:
  • Using Service Worker API (See This is the preferred way to implement the offline functionality for the plugin. It is supported by most browsers, except Internet Explorer 11.
  • Using Application Cache API (deprecated) (See This is deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of modern browsers, but it's supported by Internet Explorer 11. The WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) notifies that Application Cache API feature is being removed from the web platform. Using any of the offline web application features at this time is highly discouraged. Use service workers instead.
  • Combination approach: Use the Service Worker API for modern browsers and Application Cache API as a fallback mechanism for Internet Explorer 11. The basic principles of this solution are:
    1. Create the mainfest.appcache file and link it with the index.html by adding the "manifest" attribute to main html tag:
      <html manifest="manifest.appcache">
      The manifest.appcache must contain the list of cached files in the "CACHE" section.
      Tip: Do not add "index.html" to the CACHE section to enable possible future updates of the plug-in's resources.
    2. Create the Service Worker javascript file (for example, service-worker.js). This file must implement the network behavior of your plug-in using ServiceWorker API. It may load "manifest.appcache" file on the "install" event, parse the Application Cache file and add all the files from the "CACHE" section to browser's cache using the CacheStorage interface. After that you can implement any network behavior strategies to handle the "fetch" event: "network first then cache", "cache first then network", or "network only".
    3. Register your Service Worker file at the JS part of your plug-in, before sending the "ready" post message, for example:
      if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
          navigator.serviceWorker.register('service-worker.js').then(function (registration) {
          }.bind(this), function (error) {
              console.error('Service Worker registration failed: ', error);
      } else {

In this code example, the `startApplication()` function sends the "ready" post message. It's important to postpone sending the "ready" message until the "install" event is handled properly and all files from the CACHE section of manifest.appcache are loaded to the browser's cache.