Modify, Download, or Delete an Archive

After uploading a plug-in archive, you might want to modify it, download it, or delete it.

  1. To modify a hosted plug-in, you upload a newer version. To upload a newer version of the archive, click Browse on the Modify plugin page and upload it again.
    You can have only two versions of the plug-in at any time. Whenever you upload a newer version of a plug-in:
    • The current version becomes a historical one.

    • The newly uploaded version becomes the current one.

    • The newly uploaded version is displayed in the first row of the Version history table.

    • The previous version is moved to the second row of the Version history table.

  2. To download a plug-in, click Download in the Version history section. Save it to the desired location.
  3. To rollback to a previous version, download the version that you want to rollback to. Click Browse and upload it again.
  4. To delete a plug-in, first unassign it from all the buttons it is added to. Then, click Delete on the Forms & Plugins page.
    The plug-in is deleted with all its historical versions.
  5. To move all the uploaded plug-ins between instances, export from the required instance using the Export function on the Forms & Plugins page. Import the exported files using the Import function in the target instance.
  6. To move a single plug-in between instances, download it from the required instance. Upload it in the target instance. You can use the Export option here as well.