Install the Parts Ordering Plug-In

Parts Ordering is a standard plug-in that comes with Oracle Field Service; it automates the process of ordering and receiving parts. Mobile workers can use the plug-in to order parts when the parts they need aren’t available with nearby mobile workers, warehouses, or in their van.

High-level steps to install the Parts Ordering plug-in:
  1. Create an application for Oracle Field Service REST API and add the required entities.
  2. Install the plug-in.
  3. Add the activity and inventory types.
  4. Add the buttons for the plug-in on the pages that mobile workers need.
  5. Register a parts catalog. See the Register an Item Catalog topic in the Administering Oracle Field Service guide and register the parts catalog that you want to use.
  6. Optionally, integrate with Workflow Manager.

To install the Parts Ordering plug-in:

  1. Create an application to connect to Oracle Field Service REST API from the Configuration > Applications page. This application is used to connect Oracle Field Service with Oracle Fusion.
    1. Select OFSC in the Token Service field and Authenticate using Client ID/Client Secret in the Authentication settings field.
    2. Provide ReadWrite access for Activity and Inventory entities in the Core API section.
  2. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
  3. Click Add Plugin > Standard Plugin > Next.
  4. Click Parts Ordering.
    These sections are displayed:
    • Properties to be installed: These are the properties that are automatically installed with the plug-in. These properties are available on the Configuration > Properties page. If you de-install this plug-in in the future, these properties will remain on the Properties page.
    • Existing properties to be used: These are the properties that are required for the plug-in and are currently present in Oracle Field Service.
      Note: If a property has an incorrect configuration (for example, for property type or entity), then you'll see a corresponding message. Open the plug-in's documentation, find the property requirements, and change the property settings accordingly.
  5. Select the application that you created in Step 1.
  6. Click Install and confirm the installation.
    A message similar to, 'Parts Ordering Successfully installed.' is displayed on the Forms and Plugins page after the installation. You can install a Standard plug-in only once. The Install button is disabled when you install the plug-in. The plug-ins are supported only in the English language and the Parts Ordering plug-in doesn't work in offline mode.

    Oracle Field Service creates the required properties automatically or notifies you that some existing properties will be used by the plug-in, if they're already configured. If you've created the properties in the application with the corresponding names and labels, but with an improper configuration, you must change the property settings and install the plug-in again. Here are the properties for activity and inventory entities that the plug-in uses:

    Name Label Type GUI Description
    Resource entity
    External ID external_id field text External id of resource
    Order Warehouse List order_warehouse_list string text Order Warehouse List
    Activity entity
    Address caddress field text Address field
    City ccity field text City field
    ZIP/Postal Code czip field text ZIP/Postal Code field
    State cstate field text State filed
    Activity status astatus field text Activity status field
    Activity type aworktype field combobox Type of activity
    Work Order appt_number field text Activity Work order filed
    SLA End sla_window_end field text End of SLA window
    Order Date order_date string text Date on which the requester at the destination wants the Order to be delivered at the destination. That is this is the Need By Date. This should include both date and timestamp.
    Order Number order_number string text Activity ID of Receive Order activity
    Order Items order_items string text Is filled by JSON array in Receive Order activity. Plugin uses this property for internal purposes.
    Order Destination Type order_destination_type string text This specifies the destination type to which the Order is to be received. Current values are 'activity' and 'van'
    Order Received Items order_received_items string text
    Order Status order_status string text Duplicates Order Item Status inventory property in Receive Order activity
    Order Arrival Date order_arrival_date string text Can be updated by external integration script. Represents approximate available date to receive ordered parts.
    Order Follow-up Activity ID order_followup_aid string text Is filled by follow-up activity Id in Receive Order activity. If Order is created with follow-up activity.
    Order Follow-up Activity Number order_followup_apptnumber string text Is filled by follow-up activity Work order in Receive Order activity. If Order is created with follow-up activity.
    Order Initial Activity ID order_initial_aid string text Is filled by id of activity which order was created for in Receive Order activity. If option 'Activity' is set in 'Order is for' plugin field.
    Order Initial Activity Number order_initial_apptnumber string text Is filled by appt_number of activity which order was created for in Receive Order activity. If option 'Activity' is set in 'Order is for' plugin field.
    Order Initial Activity Type order_initial_type string text Is filled by aworktype of activity which order was created for in Receive Order activity. If option 'Activity' is set in 'Order is for' plugin field.
    Order Initial Activity Address order_initial_address string text Is filled by concatenation of Address, City, State, Zip/Postal code fields of activity which order was created for in Receive Order activity. If option 'Activity' is set in 'Order is for' plugin field.
    Transfer Order Header transfer_order_header_id string string Can be updated by external integration script. Stores the value of Transfer Order Header ID filed
    Inventory entity
    Serial Number invsn field text The serial number of inventory
    Inventory pool invpool field text Inventory pool (Resource, Customer, Installed, Deinstalled)
    Inventory Type invtype field combobox Type of inventory
    Inventory Id invid field text Internal id of inventory
    Activity Id inv_aid field text Internal id of activity the inventory belongs to
    Resource Id inv_pid field text Internal id of resource the inventory belongs to
    Quantity quantity field text Describes how many parts have been installed or taken from the customer. It could be either counted or specified in "inches", "feets" etc. Quantity is defined as an integer number, fractions are unavailable.
    Order Item Initial Activity ID order_item_initial_aid string text Contains Initial activity ID value when Ordered part is created
    Order Item Status order_item_status string text Represents current status of ordered parts in SCM. Is updated by external integration script. Can be found in Transfer order line payload as 'FulfillmentStatusLookup'. Default value is 'WAIT_FULFILL' for parts ordered by the plugin. Possible values are 'WAIT_FULFILL', 'SHIPPED', 'SHIPPED_RECEIVED', 'RECEIVED', 'P_SHIPPED_RECEIVED', 'P_SHIPPED'. Technician can receive parts if value is 'SHIPPED_RECEIVED'.
    Order Item Shipment Number order_item_shipment_number string text Is updated by external integration script by value of shipment number when it submitted in SCM.
    Order Item Received Quantity order_item_received_quantity string text Describes how many parts have been Received. It could be either counted or specified in "inches", "feets" etc. Quantity is defined as an integer number, fractions are unavailable.
    Part Item + Revision part_item_number_rev string text

    Part Item Number concatenated with Part Item Revision.For example "FS908765A", where "FS908765" is a Part Item Number and "A" is a Part Item Revision.

    It's used to search for inventory.

    Part Item Number part_item_number string text Defines the part number of the part that has been installed or taken from the customer. It's usually specified in the form of some code. For example: "FS908765".
    Part Item Revision part_item_revision string text Usually a single letter code, e.g. "A" or "B". Also it is possible to have a single digit like "1" or "2". Usually, the inventory is fully identified by Part Item + Part Item Revision, but Item Revision is optional.
    Order Item Details order_item_details string text Details of ordered item
    Order Item Description order_item_description string text Description of ordered item
    If mobile workers see an error and are unable to order for a part, the reason could be:
    • A configuration item required for the plugin is missing in the environment.
    • The parts catalog structure doesn't contain a required field.
    • A required permission in the configuration of the activity or inventory types is missing.

    Verify these thoroughly before adding the buttons for the plug-in to any page.