Introduction to Routing Visualization

The Routing screen gives a graphic, visual, and transparent display of what is actually happening in the Routing module.

Looking at the Routing screen, you can see the summary of the Routing Plans assigned to the selected bucket, the autorouting efficiency ratio, the resource utilization ratio and the actual savings achieved as the result of Routing.

To open the Routing screen, click the Navigation button and click Routing.

The Routing screen consists of the resource tree and the Summary Bar. The resource tree in the left part of the screen allows selecting buckets for which data is to be displayed. The resource tree has a hierarchical structure, that is, when a parent bucket is selected, the screen shows aggregated data of its child buckets.

The resource tree on the Routing screen now contains only those resources that are of resource type Bucket with the Routing can assign activities check boxes enabled. For each resource that you select in the resource tree, the Routing screen displays the number of activities for that resource. The calendar widget in the top part of the screen is used to select the date for which Routing data is to be displayed.