Routing Rules to Locate Resources

When a resource is in the field, the application sends the GPS coordinates of the resource to the routing engine, if they are available. This helps Routing determine the location of the resource.

these rules are used:

If the route is not yet started or no activity is started on the route, the coordinates sent to the routing engine are as follows:
  • If the resource’s GPS coordinates are obtained between 0–20 minutes, the GPS coordinates are used.

  • If no GPS coordinates are available, or if GPS coordinates are greater than 20 minutes, the resource's Start Location is used if it is available.

  • If no GPS coordinates are available, or if GPS coordinates are greater than 20 minutes, and no Start Location is assigned to the resource then the resource's location remains undefined.

If the route has a started or a completed activity:
  • If the resource's GPS coordinates are newer than the address of the started or completed activity and the resource is at a distance more than 20 minutes from the address of the started or completed activity (using airline distance and default company airline distance speed), the GPS coordinates are used.

  • If no GPS coordinates are available, or if GPS coordinates are older than the address of the started or completed activity, or the resource is at a distance less than 20 minutes from the address of the started or completed activity (using airline distance and default company airline distance speed), the address of the started or completed activity is used.