Work Skills and Work Skill Conditions

Verify that the work skills, work skill levels, and the work skill conditions that you configured are accurate. If you do not assign work skills to a resource, the application assumes that the resource has all of the work skills at the highest level.

Work skills: identify the expertise that a resource has. Work skills are the links that enable Oracle Field Service match activities with resources.

Work skill conditions: identify the work skills that are necessary to complete each activity.

The required level setting and the preferable level settings in the work skill have a strong impact on routing. The required level identifies the minimum work skill level that the resource must have to be eligible for the activity.

Tip: If the application is not able to match activities to resources, consider relaxing your work skill levels and work skill conditions so that more resources match the work skills and work skill levels required by the activities.

See the Using Capacity Guide for detailed instructions for configuring work skills and work skill conditions.