Assign a Selected Routing Plan to a Routing Profile

Routing profiles are used to group more than one routing plan together so that you can run them all against the same bucket.

You can assign several routing plans to a routing profile so that you have plans available to run against a bucket.

Be cautious when running more than one plan against a bucket to avoid conflict between plans for shared resources and activities. When plans conflict with each other or try to use the same resources and activities, the routing results are typically less than optimal.

For best results:
  • Use caution when running multiple routing plans against the same resources. Second and later generation routing plans will yield less successful results because they run against the resources remaining from the previous runs.

  • Do run the same resources through multiple plans that run against the same bucket, but do so with caution. For example, run one routing plan against the bucket in the evening to assign most of the activities for the day. Then run a second routing plan against the bucket around mid-morning. This second run might find openings for some of the activities that were not assigned in the first run. It can also assign the activities that came in after the first run.

  • Do use the fewest number of routing plans necessary. Doing so can minimize the chances of accidental sharing of resources and activities across plans.

  • Do run routing plans against large sets of resources and activities. When the pool of resources and activities is small, the application has fewer options for making a good match. As a result, routes will be less optimal and more activities will be unassigned.