Compare Two Routing Runs

You can compare two runs on the same day to see which run was more optimal. This information can help you determine the routing strategy or routing settings that are best for your organization.

This report is most helpful when you use it to compare runs that use the same set of resources and activities. This minimizes the likelihood that influences other than the routing plan are affecting the results.

Note: Run this report in the Training instance where the set of activities and resources changes only once every 24 hours. Compare runs that have limited differences so that you can easily identify the setting having the desired effect.

To compare two routing runs:

  1. In the Resource Tree, select the bucket for which you want to see routing results.
  2. Navigate to the Routing screen.
  3. Select the day that the routing runs occurred.
  4. Click Routing Run Report.
  5. Find and click the rows for the routing runs that you want to compare.
  6. Click the Comparison tab.
  7. Select the run you want to compare from the Compare with drop-down list.
    The Routing Comparison Report displays.
  8. Review the results in the Routing Comparison Report.

    For example, the Average mileage field shows the average mileage per route for travel-enabled activities (in Average Mileage or Average Kilometer based on the units chosen) for each routing run.

    Results with a green check mark are the most optimal. Results with a red X are the least optimal. Apart from differentiating the results in colors, you can also review them as text.