Assess Summary Data About Routing Strategies

The Routing Report provides statistics about the results of your routing runs. It is difficult to assess the success of your routing strategy when looking at individual runs or routes. This report consolidates the information from several runs and demonstrates the combined results so that you can measure productivity and drive time.

You can generate report data over almost any time frame and include both historical data and future data.

Among other pieces of data, this report presents travel time, work time, and number of activities. This report displays route statistics for each resource in the bucket and a summary of the statistics for the entire bucket. The report helps you:

  • Determine the quality of routes.

  • Understand past routing performance and the acceptability of future routes in an objective manner.

  • Measure performance of the routing engine over time.

The Routing Report presents a summary of the following information about each resource’s route:

  • Minutes of travel

  • Work

  • Activity fit %

  • Overtime

  • Idle time

The report presents either the data for pending activities or the data for completed activities, depending on the time of day that you run it. The report includes the following sections:
  • End of the day, or days later: Completed activities

  • Beginning of the day: Pending activities

  • Mid-day: Part pending activities, part completed activities

To view the Routing report:

  1. Select Routing Report from the navigation menu.
    The Routing report is displayed.
  2. Click View and select the date range for the report.
  3. Optionally, change the value in the Rows field to change the number of visible report rows.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Review the Routing Report:
    • Aggregator: Displays the name of the organization to which the resource is assigned.

    • Resource: Displays the resource’s name as it appears on the Resource Tree.

    • Date: Indicates the date of route in Month/Day/Year format.

    • Jobs: Displays the number of jobs on the resource’s route for that day.

    • Travel, minutes: Displays the resource’s travel time for the day. Travel time represents total travel time to and from known locations. If an activity (such as lunch) is not a known location, the application will not represent that time in travel time. Similarly, time spent on activities (meetings or lunch), is not represented in the Routing Report.

    • Work, minutes: Displays the resource’s time spent working on activities for the day.

    • Job Fit %: Displays the percentage of appropriate fit of resource based on his / her skills compared to the skills required by the activities.

    • Overtime, minutes: Displays the number of minutes estimated to exceed the resource’s shift for that day. Overtime is defined as any work performed outside the resource’s shift for that day. The application does not take into account the hours worked earlier in the week or the length of shift scheduled for that day. The application just looks for work that is performed outside the shift represented in that day’s working calendar.

    • Idle time, minutes: Specifies the number of minutes on the route not allocated to activities or travel time.


At the bottom of the report, see the total for the page displayed and total for the report in aggregate.