Configure the Routing Plan Section of a Routing Plan

You must provide general details about the routing plan including the profile on which it is based, the routing method and the number of minutes and seconds it will run.

To configure the routing plan section:

  1. Click Routing to open the Routing screen.
  2. Select Routing Plans to display the routing plans and routing profiles available for the selected bucket or resource.
  3. Click the Modify link to open the Edit routing plan screen.
  4. Click Routing Plan to expand that section.

    Image shows the Routing plan name, routing profile assigned to it and status whether it is active
  5. Identify the routing name and profile and provide other basic details.
    • Routing plan name: Enter a name that makes this plan easy to identify.

    • Routing profile: Identify the profile to which this routing plan belongs.

    • Active: Select the check box to make this plan available for routing. You can deactivate a routing plan to avoid running it accidentally. For example, if you have routing plans that you run during certain seasons or other busy times of the year, you can make them inactive until you are ready to use them.

    • Description: Enter a description for the routing plan. This is an optional field.

  6. Click Add.
    Tip: If you find that routing is regularly running until the time limit, consider increasing the time limit and monitor the results to see if they are more efficient.
    If the Time Limit shows any value between 5 seconds and 20 minutes, the routing plan runs over and over again until it either finds the best match or the time limit expires, whichever comes first.