Viewing Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journals Audit Details

To view Task Manager audit details:

  1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Audit.
  2. Select the Task Manager Audit tab. Similarly, select the Supplemental Data Audit and Enterprise Journal Audit tab.


    For Enterprise Journals, the administrator can track all auto generated Journal ID’s in sequential order, including Journals that were initially created then canceled prior to saving within the central Audit trail.
  3. Optional: To search for an object, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
  4. Optional: From the Filter bar, select filter criteria from these categories:
    • Object
    • Name
    • Field
    • Modified On
    • Modified By
    • Modification


    To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon Filter icon. To clear all filters, click the Clear filters icon icon at the right of the filter bar.
  5. To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
  6. To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect the column names.
  7. To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select the columns and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
  8. Optional: To export the audit information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export, and follow the download instructions.

    When you select the Export option, the system exports all of the records matching the filter criteria to an xlsx file (format for Microsoft Excel versions 2007 and later).