Viewing Audit Details

To view task audit details:

  1. On the Home page, click Tools.
  2. Click Audit.
  3. Optional: Click the Task Manager Audit tab to view history records for Task Manager related objects. See Viewing Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journals Audit Details.
  4. Optional: Click the Supplemental Data Audit tab to view history records for Supplemental Data related objects. See Viewing Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journals Audit Details.
  5. Optional: Click the Enterprise Journal Audit tab to view history records for Enterprise Journal related objects. See Viewing Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journals Audit Details.
  6. By default, the Audit Information page displays all tasks. To filter tasks, click Filter, and select filter criteria:
    • Task Group - select one or more, or All. Default is All.

      • If you select Metadata Administration, the system displays a list of subgroups where you can select sub-tasks for metadata:

        • All

        • Custom Dimension

        • Member

        • Year

        • Alias

        • Period

        • View

        • Currency

        • Consolidation

        • Scenario

        • Entity

        • ICP

        • Account

      • If you select Data Form, the system displays a list of subgroups where you can select sub-tasks for forms:

        • All

        • Form

        • Form Folder

      • If you select Data, the Intersection box is displayed, where you can enter the member intersection. You can enter the full or partial member intersection and the system can perform a wildcard search based on the criteria that you specify.

        The Intersection field must follow the member order as below:

        "ScenarioName","AccountName","EntityName","PeriodName","ViewName","CurrencyName","YearsName","IntercompanyName","MovementName","Data SourceName","ConsolidationName","Custom1Name","Custom2Name","Custom3Name","Custom4Name"

        If the application is enabled for Multi-GAAP, the member order is as below:

        "ScenarioName","AccountName","EntityName","PeriodName","ViewName","CurrencyName","YearsName","IntercompanyName","MovementName","Data SourceName","ConsolidationName","Multi-GAAPName","Custom1Name","Custom2Name","Custom3Name"

      • Special Consideration for Save Ownership Data and Recompute Ownership Data:

        As part of Intersection Filter box, use "ScenarioName","YearName","PeriodName" and Action to be selected as Execute.

    • Action - select one or more, or All.

    • User - enter a user ID. You can enter full or partial user ID information and the system can perform a wildcard search based on the criteria that you specify.

    • Start time - click the calendar to select a start date.

    • End time - click the calendar to select an end date.


    You can select Clear to clear your selections and return to the default values.

  7. When you are done selecting filter criteria, click Apply.

    The grid displays the top 1,000 records from the audit table that match the filter criteria. You can scroll to view all the records.

  8. Optional:
    • To export the audit information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export, and follow the download instructions. When you select the Export option, the system exports all the records that match the filter criteria to a CSV file.
    • To delete the audit information click Delete. When you select the Delete option, the system deletes all the records that match the filter criteria.

    Best Practice Tip: Schedule regular archiving and purging of the audit log data, for example, at the end of every quarter. This prevents the audit log data in the system from growing over time. Maintain archived audit log files according to internal document retention policy.

    For more information on scheduling regular archiving of audit data, see Automate the Archiving of Application Audit Records in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.


    • To export audit details, you can use the EPM Automate exportAppAudit command or the REST API Export Audit job. See exportAppAudit in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or Export Audit in REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud. See also, Automate the Archiving of Application Audit Records in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
    • Automatic Audit purge will happen to all the environments, except for the legacy environments with creation date prior to July 17, 2020. In a future release this exception will also be removed, so it’s recommended for you to take Audit Backup at regular intervals.


    If you are using the pdf version of the document: To avoid line breaks and footer information that will render these scripts unusable, copy them from the HTML version of this topic. See also, About Copying Sample Scripts in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.