Managing Alert Types for Task Manager

Alert Types

While performing a task, users might encounter issues such as a hardware failure, access problem, system failure, and so on.

Administrators can create Alert Types for categories of possible issues. Each Alert Type defines a procedure that is used to capture critical information about the issue, and assigns key personnel to resolve it.

For example, an administrator can create an Alert Type called Access Issue, which contains questions to users for more detailed information. The administrator defines a workflow for the Alert Type with an assignee to resolve the issue, and a backup assignee if desired.

Using Alert Types to Create Alerts

When users encounter an issue and create an alert for it, they select from a list of predefined Alert Types to identify the issue. The alert is then sent to the assignee defined in the Alert Type.

For example, a user has a task due and can’t access their assigned tasks. The user selects an Alert Type, such as Access Issue, which sends the alert to the predefined assignee to resolve their issue.

To manage Alert Types, see these topics: