Setting Schedule Status

You manage the schedule lifecycle by setting the schedule status. You can set the status of a schedule to Open, Closed, or Locked, depending on its current status. To set schedule status, you must be the schedule owner or Service Administrator.

You can set the status for multiple schedules at a time. This can be helpful if your application has a large number of schedules.

These are the available statuses:

  • Pending: The schedule is not yet active. When you create a schedule, it has a status of Pending by default so that you can make final adjustments to it, and add, edit, or delete tasks. When a schedule has a Pending status, you cannot close or lock the schedule.
  • Open: To run a schedule, change the status from Pending to Open. When the schedule is opened, tasks begin to execute according to their definition. Status for tasks that have met their start date, time and conditions are set to Open, and task notifications are sent to their Assignees.
  • Closed: When work on the schedule has reached a stage when the schedule is no longer active, and follow-up work is all that is required, you set the status to Closed. You cannot add new tasks to a Closed schedule. However, users can continue to work on tasks that are not complete. You can reopen a Closed schedule if needed, which changes its status to Open.
  • Locked: When all tasks are completed, you set the status to Locked. After a schedule is locked, it cannot be modified. You cannot edit a Locked schedule, but you can set the status back to Open, if required.

Automated tasks execute based on their defined workflow within the schedule and don't require manual intervention. If you want the automated task execution to be dependent on a manual user action, there are two scheduling options:

  • Add a basic or an end user task as a Start to Finish predecessor of the automated task. The automated task will execute after the preceding task is completed, and the start time is met. See Setting Task Predecessors.
  • Assign a Run As user within the workflow on the automated task. See Selecting the Workflow. When a Run As user is specified for the automated task, then the task’s execution will be dependent on the designated Run As user authorization. The automated task will only execute after the start time, predecessors, and Run As authorization have been met. See Authorizing Process-Automated Tasks.


    If a schedule task start time is reached and authorization has not been provided for a system-automated task, the task remains in the Pending status and requires authorization.

To set the schedule status:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Schedules tabSchedules tab on the left.
  3. Select one or more schedules for which to set status.
  4. Click Actions, and then Set Status, or select the Set Status dropdown.
  5. Click one of these status options, depending on the current status:
    • Open

    • Closed

    • Locked

  6. A system warning is displayed about the change, for example, that setting the status to Open will begin execution of all tasks for the current date. To confirm the status change, click Yes.