Specifying Task Type Questions

You can specify Task Type questions that apply to all tasks with that Task Type.


The Questions tab is not available for a Task Type that uses an automated Integration.

To specify questions:

  1. Create a new Task Type.
  2. Select the Questions tab.
  3. Click New iconNew.
  4. From the New Question dialog box, for Question, enter the text for the question.
  5. From the Type list, select a question type:
    • Date

    • Date/Time

    • Integer

    • List: Enter a list of valid responses to the question.

    • Multi-Line Text: The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.

      For Number of Lines, enter a value between 3 and 50 lines. Multi-Line text determines how many lines of text are visible, without scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes.

      Select Attachments if you want the custom attribute to include an attachments section.

    • Number: Select formatting options to override the defaults set in the Preferences section of System Settings:

      • For Decimal Places, enter the number of decimal places to display.

      • Select Display as Percentage to display a percent sign.

      • Select Thousands Separator to display a thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00). The system displays the thousands separator symbol for the user locale.

      • For Currency Symbol, select the currency; for example, $ (United States of America Dollar).

      • For Negative Number, select how to display negative numbers; for example, (123).

      • To scale a number, in Scale, select from 1000 to 1000000000000.

    • True/False

    • Text: The maximum length is 255 characters.

    • User

    • Yes/No

  6. Assign a Role. The purpose of assigning a role is to determine which role can answer the question:
    • Assignee

    • Approver

    • Owner

    • Viewer

    When re-ordering questions, you can only re-order within a role.

  7. If the question is required, select Required.

    The Required checkbox is disabled for Questions assigned to Owner or Viewer roles.

  8. Click OK to save the question.
  9. Optional: To change the order of questions, select a question, then click Move to Top iconMove to Top, Move Up iconMove Up Move Down icon Move Down, or Move To Bottom icon Move to Bottom.
  10. Optional: To edit a question, select the question and click Edit icon Edit. To remove a question, select the question and click Delete icon Delete.
  11. Click Save and Close to save the Task Type.
  12. See also: