Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods

You can import and export Consolidation Method details.

You can import Consolidation Method data from a comma-delimited file that contains the following columns.

  • Method Name (required).

  • Lower Limit Operator (required). EQ (=), LT (<), LE (<=), GT (>), GE (>=), EQ if RangeOn= false

  • Lower Limit (required). From 0 to 100. 0 if RangeOn equals false.

  • Upper Limit Operator (required). Lower Limit Operator (required). EQ (=), LT (<), LE (<=), GT (>), GE (>=), EQ if RangeOn= false

  • Upper Limit (required). From 0 to 100. 0 if RangeOn equals false.

  • Control (required). YES or NO.

  • Percent Consolidation (required). From 0 to 100 or POwn (Ownership Percentage).

  • RangeOn (required). true or false.

Following is an example of Consolidation Method file contents:

Method Name, Lower Limit Operator, Lower Limit, Upper Limit Operator, Upper Limit, Control, Percentage Consolidation, RangeOn
SUBSIDIARY, GT, 70, LE, 100, YES, 100, true
NewMethod, GT, 50, LE, 70, YES, 100, true
PROPORTIONAL, EQ, 50, EQ, 50, NO, POwn, true
EQUITY, GT, 20, LT, 50, NO, 0, true
EQUITY, GT, 20, LT, 50, NO, 0, true
NOT_CONSOLIDATED, GT, 0, LE, 20, NO, 0, true
IN_ACTIVE, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, NO, 0, true
HOLDING, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, YES, 100, false
DISCONTINUED, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, NO, 0, false

To export Consolidation Methods:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
  2. Click Manage Ownership.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Consolidation Methods.
  4. Click Export and select a destination.

To load Consolidation Method data:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
  2. Click Manage Ownership.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Consolidation Methods.
  4. Click Import.

When Consolidation Method data is imported, the system validates the data to ensure that the same conditions are applied as for on-screen entry. If any validations fail, the system provides an error message. If an import process fails, correct the source file and then re-import.