Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules

You can re-order your user-defined rule-sets within the Manage Consolidation Rules screen and re-order the rules within each user-defined rule-set. Changing the order of the rule-sets will change the order of execution of these rule-sets so it is possible to read data into a rule-set that has been written by a previously executed rule-set. Changing the sequence of the rules within the rule-set will have no impact.

The seeded rule-sets are always displayed before the user-defined rule-sets, and you cannot change their sequence.


When you change the sequence of the user-defined rule-sets, it might have an impact on the results if the source data for one or more of the rule-sets includes the current period Elimination data, and the source data of a subsequent rule-set includes the target data of a previously executed rule-set.

Guidelines for Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules:

  • Sequence changes can be executed from all of the filtered views except the Deployed view (All Rules, Un-deployed, and Changed after deploy). If a sequence change is attempted in the Deployed view, a warning message will be displayed that you cannot move a rule in the Deployed view.
  • The sequence of the user-defined rule-sets does not change until you deploy them.

  • The first custom rule-set cannot be moved up.

  • The last custom rule-set cannot be moved down.

  • The first custom rule in a rule-set cannot be moved up.

  • The last custom rule in a rule-set cannot be moved down.

  • If deployed user-defined rules are re-sequenced, the rules that have changed sequence will change to "Changed but un-deployed" status and the rule-set will change to "Changed but un-deployed" status. If a sequence change involves only one or more un-deployed or changed rules, then there will be no status changes. If a sequence change involves both deployed and un-deployed or changed rules, then the status changes will be based only on the re-sequencing of the deployed rules.

To re-order consolidation rule-sets and rules:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.

  2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then select Configurable Consolidation.

  3. Select the rule-set or rule that you want to move.

  4. From the top menu bar, click the Move Up buttonMove up button, or Move Down button Move down button, or use the right-click menu to select Move Up or Move Down.